Grant Peer-Review Panelists


The Adirondack Lakes Center for the Arts (ALCA) is always seeking interested, qualified individuals to serve as peer-review panelists to evaluate and score the annual Statewide Community Regrants (SCR) Community Arts, Arts Education, and Individual Artist applications. Panelists are dedicated community members who, in some cases, may be artists themselves. School administrators, business owners, arts enthusiasts, local government officials, and professionals with applicable experience in development, marketing, nonprofit management, finance, etc., also are encouraged to serve as panelists. This is a wonderful opportunity to help artists and organizations carry out arts and cultural programming in your community!

Beginning with the 2021 grant cycle, ALCA's peer-review panels have met online via Zoom, eliminating the need for travel and making the experience more logistically convenient for those panelists who otherwise would be driving quite a distance to a more centralized location within our geographically vast four-county service region. In the past three years, following the proverb that "many hands make light work," our grant coordinator has sought a larger number of panelists to read, evaluate, and score a fewer number of applications (in many cases, as few as 6 to 12) than had been the practice prior to 2022an approach that seems to work well both for our reviewers and the application-review process overall.

If you are interested in serving on a panel, please email ALCA's SCR Grant Coordinator Fred Balzac at or feel free to complete the current interest form by CLICKING HERE.