Funded by the New York State Council on the Arts (NYSCA), the Statewide Community Regrants (SCR) Program supports projects proposed by arts and other organizations, artist collectives, and individual artists. The Adirondack Lakes Center for the Arts (ALCA) is the SCR site for the Adirondack (ADK) Quad-County region of Clinton, Essex, Franklin, and Hamilton counties and the Haudenosaunee tribal community of Akwesasne in the Saint Regis Mohawk Territory that occupies the U.S.-Canadian border northeast of Malone, NY (Franklin County).
For the 2025 cycle:
Applicants can request a minimum of $1,000 to a maximum of $5,000 for one, two, or three projects in various combinations of the Arts Education (AE), Community Arts (CA), and Individual Artist (IA) categories.
Approved IA applications, except in rare cases, will be awarded a standard commission of $3,000; thus, applicants in this category proposing one or two additional projects in the AE and/or CA categories can request up to an additional $2,000.
The amount of the total budget for these projects can vary as long as the budget is more than the SCR funding amount requested, as a minimum of 10% of the total revenues must be derived from other sources besides the SCR award in the AE and CA categories. No budget is needed in IA applications.
To be considered, all applicants must meet the eligibility criteria and submit a completed application online via the platform Submittable. Organizational representatives, artists, project managers, and/or grant writers who did not apply for 2021 Decentralization (DEC) Grant or 2022, 2023, or 2024 SCR funding must attend either a grant-application seminar or participate in an individual consultation with ALCA's SCR coordinator. For those who did apply during one or more of those cycles, participation in a seminar or consultation is optional but encouraged and such applicants are required to, at minimum, touch base with the grant coordinator by email before completing an application in case there are any issues with previous applications or SCR-supported projects, missing final reports, etc.
In an effort to streamline the process and make it as applicant-friendly and inviting as possible, 2025 SCR organizational applicants are required to submit a one-time "Intent-to-Apply" form in addition to any 2025 AE or CA project applications. The Intent-to-Apply form requests information that typically does not change every year—e.g., 501c3 documentation, mission statement, bylaws, etc. Organizations applying in 2026 and beyond will be given the opportunity in their AE and/or CA project application(s) to provide any needed updates to their Intent-to-Apply submission—e.g., list of board members.
The application window for Community Arts project applications and the Intent-to-Apply form is opening first, with an initial deadline of Friday, February 21, 2025 at 5 pm, followed by staggered openings for Arts Ed project and Individual Artist grant applications—the initial deadlines for which will be approximately one month from the date each window opens.
Applications will then be accepted on a rolling basis, with the first batch of submitted applications being assigned sooner to one or more review panels than subsequent batches of submitted applications. Those in this latter grouping will be assigned to one or more review panels later in the process.
The deadlines for each category will then be extended on a more-or-less monthly basis—depending on the quantity and quality of applications received—until it appears that there are enough requests to regrant all of the available SCR funding for 2025, a total of $285,000 for all three application categories.
To get started on your 2025 application(s), please visit the "Current or Upcoming SCR Cycle" page of this website, where you can download the 2025 SCR Application Guidelines—the reading of which is a required prerequisite to starting an application.
Regarding Round-2 2024 funding, which as of this writing, remains available for eligible applicants, please note the following considerations :
Round-2 applicants who did not apply earlier this year in Round 1 can request a minimum of $1,000 up to a maximum of $2,500 for one or two separate projects in the Arts Education and/or Community Arts category only. The Individual Artist category, which is limited to 25% of the total amount of regrant funding available in a given grant cycle, maxed out in Round 1 this year but will be offered for 2025.
Organizations and teaching artists who applied in Round 1 can apply in Round 2 but only for one or two entirely different projects. Round-1 grantees who received more than $4,000 but less than $5,000 can request the difference. For example, applicants who were awarded $4,250 in Round 1 can request $750 in Round 2.
Applications that meet all of the criteria and requirements as detailed in the 2024 SCR application guidelines will be awarded 100% of their request on a first-come, first-served basis until all Round-2 funds ($29,200) are expended.
Round-2 projects that are approved for funding must be completed no later than June 30th, 2025. Projects that have already been completed in 2024 can be funded retroactively—again, as long as they were not proposed in Round 1.
Final Round-2 funding decisions will be subject to approval by ALCA's Board of Trustees and cannot be appealed.
Please view Application Resources and Apply for a Grant for such info/material as a PDF of the guidelines, scheduling a grant-application consultation with the grant coordinator, the link to the application forms in Submittable, MS Word templates of the applications forms, and various grant resources.