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The return of a favorite series from past seasons, Tuesdays@ALCA, featuring a wide-ranging lineup of full-year or part-year Adirondack performers on weekday evenings. On select evenings during the summer, we will again celebrate the diversity and talent of our region, featuring genre-leaping programs by performers from close to home. These performances will be offered on a donation-only basis, providing entertainment at an affordable price for local residents, summer residents, and campers looking for a fun night out in the middle of the week. Past seasons have included classical, jazz, folk, country, and popular music, dance, and dramatic readings.
Stay tuned as we add more information about these evenings of music, featuring local or locally connected musicians!
- Tue, Jul 01Adirondack Lakes Center for the Arts
- Tue, Jul 08Adirondack Lakes Center for the Arts
- Tue, Jul 22Adirondack Lakes Center for the Arts
- Tue, Aug 05Adirondack Lakes Center for the Arts
- Tue, Aug 12Adirondack Lakes Center for the Arts
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