SCR Grants
Grants Overview
ALCA is honored to serve as the coordinating site for the Statewide Community Regrants (SCR) program offered by the New York State Council on the Arts. Through this program, ALCA is able to empower artists and nurture the arts throughout the Quad-County region encompassing Clinton, Essex, Franklin, and Hamilton counties, including the Haudenosaunee tribal community of Akwesasne.
In 2023 ALCA applied for, and received, an historic increase in the amount of funds available to regrant to artists and arts organizations in the Quad-County region. As a result, we were able to award a total of $210,000 to 77 different applicants, up from $91,000 and 49 applicants in 2022. We received a similarly large regrant pool for 2024 and are excited to report results of that regrant cycle when they are available.
2023 Regrant Activity
Individual Artists
21 Projects
Arts Education
5 Projects
Community Arts
59 Projects
Founded in 1977, the regrant program was developed to ensure that New York State's cultural funding reached every part of the state and was aptly named the "Decentralization (DEC)" grant program. The concept of decentralization has since become one of the most effective ways for the New York State Council on the Arts (NYSCA) to make arts support available to geographically, economically, and ethnically diverse segments of the state's population.
The program - renamed the "Statewide Community Regrants (SCR)" program by NYSCA in 2021 - forms the cornerstone of the NYSCA’s partnership with local arts agencies throughout the state.
Statewide Community Regrant funds are disbursed locally by regional and local arts agencies, like ALCA, at the invitation of NYSCA. In our role, we are charged to be advocates and catalysts for arts and cultural development across the four counties we support and to provide a wide range of multi-arts programming and services for local communities, artists, and small organizations in these areas.
The New York State Council on the Arts has developed broad guidelines that provide a framework for implementing the program while giving the SCR sites the flexibility to tailor the program to the diverse communities they serve. Funding decisions are based on evaluative criteria designed by each SCR site and approved by NYSCA staff. A group of volunteers serve as peer reviewers.